
Fire and Life Safety Educator: Principles and Practice, Second Edition

Marsha P. Giesler

ISBN: 9781284041972
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Fire and Life Safety Educator: Principles and Practice, Second Edition Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access meets the objectives of NFPA 1035 (2015) for FLSE Levels I, II, III, Public Information Officer, Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist, and Youth Firesetter Program Manager. It is written for practitioners, managers, and supervisors, as well as for those who are new to the FLSE field, covering fire behavior and prevention, code compliance, community risk reduction, risk assessment, and working with the public. Based solidly on research and proven tactics, it describes community outreach methods, how to effectively teach fire and life safety, and how to market prevention and preparedness messages to all age groups. In-depth instruction advises on developing fire and life safety curricula, objectives, lesson plans, and presentations. This Second Edition covers all aspects of designing, budgeting for, and managing a fire and life safety program; public relations and persuasion tactics; legal considerations; and best professional practices. The importance of program evaluation and how to conduct evaluation is explained. New chapters are included to address the public information officer role and specific responsibilities, Youth Firesetter intervention strategies, and Youth Firesetter program implementation.
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419 pages
$79.61  Color
$67.04  B&W
$37.71  eBook
  • 33 pages
    $6.27 Color
    $5.28 B&W
    $2.97 eBook
    Chapter 1 Historic Fires, Injury Prevention, and Community
    Risk Reduction
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 31 pages
    $5.89 Color
    $4.96 B&W
    $2.79 eBook
    Chapter 2 Fire Behavior, Systems and Devices, and
    Fire Prevention
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 17 pages
    $3.23 Color
    $2.72 B&W
    $1.53 eBook
    Chapter 3 Fire Department Basics and the Fire and
    Life Safety Educator
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 25 pages
    $4.75 Color
    $4.00 B&W
    $2.25 eBook
    Chapter 4 Learning Styles and Theories, Teaching Methods,
    and Strategies
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 16 pages
    $3.04 Color
    $2.56 B&W
    $1.44 eBook
    Chapter 5 Age Group Characteristics
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 19 pages
    $3.61 Color
    $3.04 B&W
    $1.71 eBook
    Chapter 6 High-Risk Audiences and Behaviors
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 27 pages
    $5.13 Color
    $4.32 B&W
    $2.43 eBook
    Chapter 7 Messages for Different Age Groups
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 10 pages
    $1.90 Color
    $1.60 B&W
    $0.90 eBook
    Chapter 8 Messages for Holidays, Special Circumstances,
    and Safety Campaigns
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 19 pages
    $3.61 Color
    $3.04 B&W
    $1.71 eBook
    Chapter 9 Professionalism and Presentations
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 18 pages
    $3.42 Color
    $2.88 B&W
    $1.62 eBook
    Chapter 10 Public Relations and Working with Media
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 17 pages
    $3.23 Color
    $2.72 B&W
    $1.53 eBook
    Chapter 11 Evaluation, Assessment, and Reflection
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 11 pages
    $2.09 Color
    $1.76 B&W
    $0.99 eBook
    Chapter 12 Management of a Fire and Life Safety Program
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 7 pages
    $1.33 Color
    $1.12 B&W
    $0.63 eBook
    Chapter 13 Community Risk Assessment
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 19 pages
    $3.61 Color
    $3.04 B&W
    $1.71 eBook
    Chapter 14 Program Design and Management
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 12 pages
    $2.28 Color
    $1.92 B&W
    $1.08 eBook
    Chapter 15 Educational Materials, Lessons, and Programs
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 8 pages
    $1.52 Color
    $1.28 B&W
    $0.72 eBook
    Chapter 16 Evaluation for FLSE Managers
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 12 pages
    $2.28 Color
    $1.92 B&W
    $1.08 eBook
    Chapter 17 Administration of a Fire and Life Safety
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 14 pages
    $2.66 Color
    $2.24 B&W
    $1.26 eBook
    Chapter 18 Planning and Developing Safety Education
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 17 pages
    $3.23 Color
    $2.72 B&W
    $1.53 eBook
    Chapter 19 Program Education, Implementation, and Evaluation
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 15 pages
    $2.85 Color
    $2.40 B&W
    $1.35 eBook
    Chapter 20 Public Information Officer
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 14 pages
    $2.66 Color
    $2.24 B&W
    $1.26 eBook
    Chapter 21 Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 10 pages
    $1.90 Color
    $1.60 B&W
    $0.90 eBook
    Chapter 22 Youth Firesetter Program Manager
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 11 pages
    $2.09 Color
    $1.76 B&W
    $0.99 eBook
    Chapter 23 Glossary
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 16 pages
    $3.04 Color
    $2.56 B&W
    $1.44 eBook
    Chapter 24 Appendix A
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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  • 21 pages
    $3.99 Color
    $3.36 B&W
    $1.89 eBook
    Chapter 25 Appendix B
    Author: Marsha P. Giesler

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